Weibo (微博)is something like Twitter, Chinese version. This is the second Weibo introduced here. The author of this Weibo put this as the introduction : 但愿每一句深情的表白,可以拨动你寂寞的心弦! 真的不大願意用英文來介紹這微博,不會翻譯那一句簡介。Google translate說是:I hope every one soulful confession, you can toggle your lonely hearts!要怎麼翻譯嘛~ Anyway, I found this Weibo very interesting. I think writing love letter is something very sweet. The writer must be in a very happy mood while writing it, whether or not the recipient like it. :P 開心就好嘛~ I never thought such romantic thing would really happen... Until someone in my office have a bottle of chicken essence on her table with a little note yesterday morning, "當你覺得累的時候喝。。。。“ From anonymous. This is so sweet! No one claimed to be the happy person. Just in case if "you" reading this, it's not me who put the chicken essence. I would like to know who too! :D OK, back to this love letters page. It is not exactly love letters, but beautiful wording related t...