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Another long time I have not updating this blog. I was on vacation, and then idle for sometimes, and busy for other time and finally found some time today to write about this page I found few weeks ago.

I was checking on a photo competition submission rules and regulations. It requires participant to submit 10.5cm X 15cm size of photo. I have been using Microsoft Office Picture Manager to do resize, and it’s in pixels measurement, how do I resize my photos to fulfill the requirement?

As usual, I use Google to find solutions. It brings me to this site, I can directly key in the values, and it will do the conversion right away! It is very impressive to me. Besides length, there are a lot more converters available, such as energy, mass, velocity and etc.
Go and check it out!

As for my problem, hmm... I doubt it can be direct convert like that. Think there’s dpi dependency in the calculations. :(
