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Confucius Publishing

I went to a class of The Analects of Confucius. It was very interesting, indeed. I love literatures. I am not sure why. I do think literatures bored me, sometimes. I hesitated to go for the class, because I am afraid I might fall asleep in the class, secondly is because I am unable to fully attend the class due to some planned events.

I was glad that I went, and found my new idol, the speaker (傅承得老師). Though he was just sitting there, talking and reading through the book, I rarely fell asleep in the class (except the hour after lunch)!

It’s rather sad to see today’s education system, which emphasize on the “technical” or knowledge based, rather than having teaching or helping a student to be a better person. If you try to understand the life of Confucius, how he taught his student, by reading the Analects of Confucius, you’ll know how a great teacher can be. I don’t know how to put these in words, especially in English. In short, he is a great educator, a great philosopher, and a great thinker. Confucius is my idol too, not solely because he is Johnny Kong (孔仲尼). :P

I was wanted to share on a website related to Chinese literature, however, I think this website is more relevant on what my post is discussing.

It has the Analects of Confucius explained in multiple languages, including English, Malay and Tamil! Go and check it out. :)

I don’t mind if you would like to share with me on your thoughts on the Analects of Confucius here. :)


Walter 沃尔特 said…
古时讲究人的栽培 - 文化修养, 人格的发展, 因为读书是为了入士当官, 所以注重人的品格, 所谓修身, 齐家, 治国, 平天下; 要是教育出败类就是误人误国, 有亏江山社稽.

现代教育以实用为主, 以西学或科学为基础, 至于对"人"为对象来培养较少(国外我不知道, 但我国目前是这样子).
jcrys26 said…