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Sorting algorithm animations

Do you still remember bubble sorting? It’s the simplest sorting algorithm, which can sort a small data quickly. When it comes to a large pool of data, this is not the best algorithm to be applied. So, how do we determine which sorting algorithm is the optimum (there’s no best one I guess) for the scenario that we are looking at?

Found this website from Google search result. It has the simulation animation for different sorting methods, and also based on the data distribution. So, if you would like to know more, check this out. Click on the refresh icon on each sorting algorithm to start the simulation to watch the performance on the algorithm on different data distribution, and click on the data distribution refresh icon to view the simulation of different sorting algorithm on that data distribution. By the way, you can even choose the problem size! Enjoy! :)

My comment on this website : light weighted, simple, clean, and precise. :)
